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Project Objective

Blank Slate, a provider of training programs in the IT sector, partnered with Havit Growth Agency to enhance its digital presence, reach a wider audience of young career seekers, and promote its diverse range of short courses. The main objective was to create a strong online platform, effectively communicate course offerings, and drive enrollments in various IT-related domains.

Client Overview

Client: Blank Slate

Industry: Training Programs for IT Careers

Challenges: Establishing a robust online presence, attracting young career seekers to enroll in diverse training programs, and leveraging digital strategies to promote courses.

Solution Offered

Digital Marketing
  • Conducted market research to understand the target audience and effectively position Blank Slate’s training programs in the digital space.

  • Devised a digital marketing strategy focusing on reaching potential students through various online channels.

Paid Advertising
  • Implemented targeted paid advertising campaigns to reach a wider audience and drive traffic to the Blank Slate website.

  • Utilized platforms such as Google Ads and social media advertising to maximize visibility.

Creative Content
  • Developed engaging and informative content that highlighted the benefits of Blank Slate’s training programs.

  • Created content in various formats, including blog posts, infographics, and videos, to cater to different preferences.

Visual Designing
  • Designed visually appealing graphics and promotional materials to enhance the overall aesthetic of Blank Slate’s online presence.

  • Ensured consistency in design elements across various platforms for brand recognition.

Content Strategy
  • Formulated a content strategy that aligned with Blank Slate’s goals, focusing on showcasing course details, success stories, and industry insights.

  • Scheduled regular content updates to keep the audience informed and engaged.


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